About Earthforce
Earthforce is a professional military fleet of star-faring warships dedicated to the defense of Earth.
Formed in response to the growing threats from extraterrestrial entities, Earthforce stands as the primary line of defense for humanity's home planet and its Offworld Colonies. With its modern Navy of technologically advanced warships, Earthforce is equipped with state-of-the-art offensive weaponry, graviton projected shielding systems, and propulsion technologies that enable it to operate effectively both within the solar system and in interstellar space beyond.
The fleet is manned by highly trained personnel, including elite pilots, engineers, strategists, and ground forces, and is presently commanded by Admiral Vladimir Karpov. Rigorous training programs and strict selection criteria ensure that only the best and brightest serve in its ranks, which also includes over 20,000 Earthforce Marines. The Earthforce command structure is designed to allow for quick and decisive action, with a clear chain of command that ensures coordination and efficiency in times of crisis. In addition to fleet warships, Earthforce Astro-Engineers, design and build facilities like orbital Battlestations, Stargates, Waystation outposts, and habitat ground facilities on newly colonized Exoplanets. It maintains administrative authorities governing Visa approval and permitting for colonization certification at its COMCENT base, supporting, supplying and defending all Outreach Programs in designated Quadrants as directed by EARTHCOM.
Beyond its military capabilities, Earthforce also undertakes and escorts Outreach Expeditions aimed at establishing new colonies, protects commercial interests and shipping, furthers diplomatic missions, and undertakes peacekeeping operations, aimed at fostering peaceful relations with other space-faring civilizations. Its presence serves as a deterrent to potential aggressors and plays a crucial role in maintaining stability in the star systems colonized by Humanity. To date, its record as a warfighting force has seen it deliver consistent victory in the successful defense of the Homeworld and her Colonies against the Kroth and other hostile adversaries.
Each starship in the fleet is a marvel of engineering, featuring cutting-edge design and customized for various combat and reconnaissance roles. Earthforce personnel serve on Flagships, Battlecruisers, Carriers, Destroyers, Cruisers, Assault ships, fleet support vessels in the Logistics Fleet, and smaller escort vessels all working together in seamless harmony, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice to defend Humanity from any threat, whether it be from hostile aliens or rogue asteroids.
Earthforce remains a symbol of Earth's resilience and determination to protect its sovereignty and ensure the safety of its citizens, standing vigilant among the stars in defense of Humanity. Come Join us, and reach for the Stars!
Now entering its 14th Volume, the Earthforce Saga continues the story each month with a new release! All books are full length novels, 36 Chapter and about 360 pages each.
Books in the Earthforce Saga