Author Services

At the Writing Shop we offer a range of services to help writers get their material ready for publication, and to help them market it on-line when it is available in book form.
Editorial Support
• Line Editing
o Check choice of words and conciseness
o Clarify meanings
o Revise awkward sentences
o Correct repetition and inconsistency
o Check punctuation for proper use
o Fill in missing words
o Check structure
o Break up long sentences or paragraphs
o Keep a consistent style
o Format the manuscript for publication
• Proof Reading
o Correct grammar, syntax, and punctuation
o Check for spelling errors or typos
Book Interior Format
• We’ll design and format your book block interior and create and submit digital files that most Print On Demand (POD) printers and ebook publishers use for printing.
Book Cover Design
• We’ll provide a custom cover art design for your book, including unique photo image, typography, and 4 color layout. You can provide us with ideas, color preferences, etc. and we’ll customize it to meet your needs.
• If you are the artistic type, and want to design your own cover, we’ll send you detailed design specs for submission of the artwork as a Photoshop document.
Book Publication
• Publish your book in any of 6 popular eBook formats, Trade Paperback, or Hard Cover with dust jacket option. Distribute to Amazon and 20 other digital book sellers! (Digital publication is Print on Demand, where no book is printed until it is sold to a customer. It is then delivered (if digital) or printed (if paperback or hardback) to the customer. You need no inventory or trouble managing postal deliveries, it's all done for you with POD. (Print on Demand)
• Order books in any quantity, from 1 to thousands, or have them printed only after they are sold. This is the magic of Print on Demand (POD) publishing. We handle the entire process. You just submit your manuscript in MS Word format and we’ll take it from there.
• A range of valuable marketing services help you launch your book in an intensely competitive publishing environment. Your web site, blog, press release, book review, marketing flyer, all become essential marketing tools for telling the world about your book!
Ghost Writing
I can help put your story into words and take it through the publication process, as a digital or printed version.

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